Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dewey's New Roof

On Saturday, October 23, 2010 Dewey invited some helpers to come and help put his new roof on. I thought it was freezing that day. I think the high was around 60 something.

The people helping with the roof were: Dewey, Donald, Mark, Steven (Ray), Spencer, Brian, Steven (Birtcher), David (Jackson) and Andrew. Hmmmm... all the dads brought their young sons to "help" out. I will post different pictures of that later. I was just trying to get a few on so others could see the fun time everyone had helping Dewey.

I will post another post later... I have to finish doing my homework and go to bed. Me, Sydney and Donovan went to visit Annette while the boys were working. I will share that later too.


  1. I can't even watch the movies again, because it made my hands sweat the first time!

  2. Thank's for posting that. It was too far for us to drive!

  3. I will email you some if you want them. Send me your email address. missy.jackson34@gmail.com
