Sunday, December 26, 2010

November 2010 Family Night

I know, I know, I have not done well as posting on my blog....who knows, maybe the New Year will change things. Probably not, but sometime I never know.

Scott had Mom and Dad write their testimonies and recorded them reading them. I tried to copy and paste the word document into the blog, but I guess I cannot do that. Here are Mom and Dad's testimonies that were read that day.

Mom- Grandma Ray

This is mom, Ina Ray. I want to bear my testimony. First, I want to tell how much I love each and everyone of you, how much I love Grandpa, my children, and how much I am thankful for them. I know that God lives and that He hears and answers my prayers. He loves me. I know that Jesus Christ is His Son, the Savior of the world. I know that He is my Redeemer. He has purchased me with His blood. He wants me to be happy and I love Him.

I know Joseph Smith saw the Father and the Son in the Sacred Grove. I know that he translated the Book of Mormon and under the direction of Jesus Christ he restored the church, and I know that we have a living prophet today, President Monson who receives revelation from God.

I know that if we live the commandments we can return and live with Him, with our Heavenly Father. I know that because Jesus Christ died for me, I can repent, and worship Him. In the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Dad- Grandpa Ray

This is Grandpa, Dewey Ray, bearing my testimony. I just want you to know that I know the Gospel is true, that Heavenly Father lives, that He loves us. He loves us so much that He permitted His dear Son to suffer and die on the cross so that we wouldn't have to suffer for our sins. Provided this beautiful world for us to live and enjoy life and gain a body. Thankful for the Savior and for His life and His willingness to suffer in our behalf. That if we repented we would not have to suffer the pains of our sins and to be free from them.

I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and that because of his desire to know the truth in asking Heavenly Father, the gospel was restored that we might have this knowledge again and that the prophets that followed him are prophets of God. President Monson is our prophet today and if we follow him, everything will be OK.

We have trials and tribulations in life but if we put our faith in Heavenly Father everything will work out fine. I'm thankful for my good parents that taught me to love the gospel and our Heavenly Father and to work and to pray. Prayer has been a great part of my live and a great blessing and the Lord has answered my prayers many, many times and still does, and blesses my family.

I'm thankful for a good family have the Lord and keep His commandments and teach their children to love the Lord and keep His commandments. Thankful for my good wife and her great faith and the good life we've had because of her and the temple marriage and the opportunity for our family to be together forever. This makes the gospel worthwhile and makes all the bumps and things in life easy to take and to overcome and to enjoy life.

Thankful for this choice land we live in, it is a choice land and the freedoms we enjoy are very important and I've always tried to vote for people that would uphold our Constitution that we might be able to enjoy the blessings of our Heavenly Father and keep our freedoms.

Thankful for the scriptures that give us a basis to know what our Heavenly Father wants us to do and helps to know the path we should follow and gives us examples and things to help us to know the importance of the gospel. The tree of life that tells us how sweet the fruits of the Gospel are, and these happen when we love one another and love our Heavenly Father.

I'm thankful for my good children and their good lives and the happiness they've brought me and to my family. Grateful for this testimony of the Gospel and I know that the Book of Mormon is a special record of our Heavenly Father to strengthen our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, that is was translated by the gift and power of God through the prophet Joesph Smith that it's a great book that I've loved ever since I was a little and first read it out loud to my parents.

I pray the Lord will bless and watch over and protect my family where ever they are and be with them and bless them with love and harmony and the work they need in life to provide for their families. I am thankful for your good mother and her good life and the great life it has been for me. I do this humbly in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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